
Geosciences (ISSN: 2520-5978) is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal. It gives technical notes and review articles and discussions about all interdisciplinary aspects of the earth and planetary sciences. This comprises the solid earth, the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the biosphere, as well as related issues of planetary and space sciences. In addition, it provides a particular place, and an advanced forum, for contributions on Earth history, natural hazards, geology-related environmental problems and geoethics, reflecting the wide scope and societal, educational, cultural and, in general, human implications of the cross-cutting nature of the issues.

Editor in Chief: Angela Calia Ph.D, Italy

ISSN: 2520-5978
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21065/25205978
Key title: Advanced Geosciences
Abbreviated key title: Adv Geosci
Open Journal Systems (OJS) of Public knowledge Project (PKP)
Frequency: Annual
Starting year: 2016
Nature: Online
Submission: Online
Language: English


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